Calendar of Events
April 1 April Fool's Day Party 10am - 12pm.
Bring your preschool kids for a celebration of fun and silliness. Chester the Jester
will be on hand to perform his amazing feats of juggling. Face painting. Games and
prizes. Please contact Beth Heurtzel (555-2765) for more information.
April 2
Teen Dance 7pm - 10pm. Ages 13-17. Contact Robert Walker.
April 3
Wood Working 9am - 12pm. Bring your kids to this fun
event! Kevin Bridgeman of Butler Hardware will be on hand to demonstrate
how to build a bird house. Kits, tools, and materials provided, free. Contact
Kevin Bridgeman (555-5532) for more information.
April 5
Bridge Club 1pm - 4pm. Weekly senior's bridge club.
Contact Alice Grieves (555-8911).
April 8
Candidate's Forum 7pm - 9pm. Discuss the issues with
the five candidates for the Butler City Council. Contact Doris Frankes
(555-0981) for more information. Please attend this event. It's your civic
responsibility to make an informed choice in the upcoming elections.
April 12
Bridge Club 1pm - 4pm. Weekly senior's bridge club.
Contact Alice Grieves (555-8911).
April 14
Kiwanis Club 7pm - 9pm. Monthly meeting. Contact
Karen Saunders (555-8934) for the meeting agenda.
April 16
Travel Adventure Series 8pm - 10pm. As part of
our continuing series, Cindy Li of Li Travel will be on hand to present
the sounds and images of Nepal. Seating is limited, so please plan to arrive
early. Contact Dennis Pratt (555-3299) for more information.
April 19
Bridge Club 1pm - 4pm. Weekly senior's bridge club.
Contact Alice Grieves (555-8911).
April 22
Boy Scouts Troop 381 7:30pm - 9pm. Monthly meeting
of Boy Scout Troop 381. Please attend this meeting as we will be making
the final arrangements for the summer jamboree and camp. Contact Curt
Karlson (555-4312) if you cannot attend and you wish you feelings known on
scheduling these events.
April 24
Blossom and Garden Sale 1pm - 4pm. Spring is here
and it's time to start planting your garden. Pick up your supplies at
this annual event. Contact Gale Rusch (555-3488) for more information.
April 26
Bridge Club 1pm - 4pm. Weekly senior's bridge club.
Contact Alice Grieves (555-8911).
April 29
Estate Planning 1pm - 4pm. This month's
Senior Citizen's Forum looks at estate planning. It's never to late to
start planning your estate. Alan Ubersitz will be here to show you how to
protect your family from costly estate taxes.
Do you have an event to schedule at the community center? Contact Beth
Heurtzel (555-2765) for information on scheduling your activity.